Cold Cases

Case #1:  Dona Mae Bourgeois Bayerl - Missing since May 6, 1979

Bayerl was last seen at her home in Muskego, Wisconsin on May 6, 1979.   According to her husband she left the home after a quarrel, and drove off in the family car.  The car was returned that night.  When the children woke up the next morning, Dona was gone.  She was reported as missing by her husband on May 9, 1979.

Police believe she did not leave of her own free will.  Police found blood in the garage, determined to be Donna Bayerl’s.  A circumstantial case was developed against a suspect, but no charges were issued, because of lack of evidence.  Dona was declared legally dead in 1986.

If you have any information regarding this case, please contact us at (262) 679-4130.

Case #2:  Patrick D. Kennedy  - Missing since April 23, 1988

Kennedy was last seen at the Black Duck Inn W145 S8016 Schultz Dr., Muskego, Wisconsin.  Kennedy apparently asked a friend for a ride home. The friend did not want to leave so Kennedy left on foot.  This was the last time anyone has seen him.

If you have any information regarding this case, please contact us at (262) 679-4130.

If you can provide any information regarding these circumstances, you can submit this form.

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